A death certificate is a proof of a person dying. Government offices will issue this legal document. It usually includes details such as the cause of death, date and place of death. Having a death certificate helps settling or closing loans, taking care of banking needs, insurance claims, changes in other legal documents such as real estate and home ownership tranfers.
Death certificates are usually required by life insurance companies so it is wise to obtain a certified copy. This often necessary for transfer titles on a house, auto, boat, or other vehicle. You will usually be required to provide death certificate to make changes to a bank or other type of personal account registered in the name of the deceased.

Please contact your local cremation or funeral director. He or she will usually able to assist you with acquiring the accurate number of certified copies of the death certificate that you may need. In addition, you can also contact the recorder of deeds in your local county.
We hope this helps you with finding a death certificate.
Rules vary from state to state.
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